Scarlet Pepin graduated from Oral Roberts University with a degree in education. She combined her love for children with her heart for ministry and traveled to our nation’s churches, presenting children’s programs through ventriloquism, singing, and teaching. Scarlet married Brad, her college love, twenty-four years ago, and they reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They have three daughters and a wonderful son-in-law. Scarlet currently travels internationally, speaking and ministering at women’s retreats, events, and conferences. She has a unique way of communicating deep biblical truths and Godly wisdom, all wrapped up in joy and laughter.

“Equipping believers through powerful biblical teachings using Christ’s refreshing joy”
Ephesians 4:12-13 (NIV)
To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
Philemon 1:7 (NIV)
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.

There are few women who speak from the heart with depth and joy at the same time. Scarlet Pepin is one of the few. When she communicates biblical truths, she somehow combines humor, a chunk of sweetness, and a sucker punch all in one! Scarlet is one of my all-time favorite female speakers. I am forever blessed by being a mom in the crowd during her beginner days!
- Deana, Mother of Two
Scarlet Pepin ministered at our women's retreat 2 years ago and women are still talking about it! She has a unique gift of weaving humor with powerful nuggets of truth that she has gleaned while at the Lord's feet. This dynamic combination is what allows her to come in, read people's mail and leave them marked to face life's challenges through the eyes of their Heavenly Father. Scarlet always has a fresh, anointed word in season and out of season.
- Carrie Kittinger, Women's Ministry Director,
National Speaker
Believers Church
Scarlet is such a relevant speaker for the times we are living in. She brings a practical, fresh approach to the issues so many women are facing.
- Pastor Sandy Scheer, Guts Church
When I think of Scarlet these are the words that come to my mind: Jesus's, Fun-loving, Prophetic.
- Lura Mineau, Women's Pastor
Trinity Evangelical Church
I have ministered alongside Scarlet Pepin many times over the last thirteen years. Her prophetic gifts are some of the most beautiful I have seen. God speaks through her in such a way that He tickles our funny bones and convicts our souls simultaneously. She's an amazingly gifted preacher of the Word. But more importantly—speaking as a long-term, deep-hearted friend of Scarlet—I can tell you that her heart is trustworthy. She lives her life standing before the Lord in openness, honesty, and vulnerability. I would not only recommend Scarlet as a minister, I will happily link arms with her before the Throne.
- Christine Westhoff, Akouo Ministries