Get Me to the Hay

Parking space hunting, gift list rechecking, present wrapping, cookie baking, and school program attending have filled the days of this month. Christmas lights have been strung, stockings have been hung, and the cookies have been iced. Company events have commenced with white elephant gifts purchased, wrapped, and exchanged. Donations dropped off, cookies eaten, church services attended, and more cookies eaten. …

The Answer is Yes!

I still remember feeling jealous of the fuzzy tiger that my brother proudly displayed on his dresser. Once a year on our family trip to New Smyrna Beach, we went to an arcade where we earned the pale red paper tickets that possessed the power to purchase treasures hanging from a pegboard in the back. A huge glass case seemed …

Dad…The King of the Thermostat

Guest Blogger: Gabrielle Pepin “Scarlet, are you really that cold?” I would hear my Minnesota-born-and-raised father dressed in a shirt and shorts ask his Floridian bride. Growing up, there would be several occasions where I would find my mother curled up on the couch by the fire, wearing two layers of fuzzy socks, thick sweat pants that would drag as …

He-He-He, not Me-Me-Me

Offer me a personality test online, and I am the first to jump on it. Delving into why I do what I do is fascinating. Selfies? Sign me up. Me-me-me-me-me isn’t just a vocal exercise for the opera singer. No, it can easily become my theme song. How about you? Find yourself throughout the day thinking about what is going …